“Look at these magnolia trees, aren’t they beautifuuuuuuuullll.”
Adrian came over for breakfast burritos this morning. I put a lot of effort into them as I listened to Air Supply. Avocado, tater tots, bacon, a mix of Mexican cheeses, eggs, salsa and sour cream. I even made chipotle aioli. As much as I’m tired of it, cooking is the most meditative thing I do regularly. The prepping, the timing and the endless ingredient possibilities. When I cook, I am forced to be in the moment.
We sit in our usual spot on my front-porch couch, where we've logged enough hours for a full-time job over the past three years. With our mouths stuffed with burritos, we hear a man loudly repeat his song.
“Look at these magnolia trees, aren’t they beautifuuuuuuuullll.”