As a woman with eleven years of dating and seventeen years of personal marriage lore, I can’t shut the fuck up when people ask me about relationships. My eyes have seen too much. My heart is the elastic Sia sang about behind those bangs. My brain is on fire.
Many young women ask,
”How do I get a man to treat me better?"
Sometimes they mean generally and sometimes they mean gifts.
What I will say is this:
First, you need to find a grown man. If you are a man and just nodded, great. If you are a man and just groaned, I'm cheering you on from the side-lines regarding your inner work.
Second, there’s an elusive type of man who will, nine times out of ten, treat you like a holy high Priestess. Like I said, he’s elusive, but I figured him out.
Third, there’s a type of man who pretends to be this healthy elusive man. I will warn you of him as well. If you are a man and feel weird or negative after reading this, please don’t. I love you so much I let some of you inside my body. I also made a man with my body and love him so much.
I digress.