Is a person able to redeem themselves if they get away with their crimes?
Now you’re wondering… what?
Let me reel it back.
A Therapist in Oregon was once a Catfisher named Stacey. She stole thousands in gifts and cash from men around the globe. They called themselves destroyed by her. They toiled for years.
How do I know this?
Because “Stacey” had a very popular Facebook profile of my photos and my stories to catfish men.
In September 2010, I received a flood of emails.
Ron told his story,
“I was really in love with Stacey. We’d talk on the phone for days. I sent her money and gifts. Every time we’d plan a trip, something would come up.”
I asked for an example.
“Well, once I was supposed to visit, but Stacey had an embolism and was hospitalized. She needed money for the hospital visit and I sent it to her.”
“How much?”
“Twelve thousand.”
Another man named Chris wrote:
And even more information came through another person who was invested in unraveling Stacey…
How the hell was this woman managing to have money and gifts sent to her using my life while I was at home with a husband who bought me oven mitts for Mother’s Day.
This week, I recalled this event from nearly fifteen years ago and I wondered. Where is Stacey now?
Of course, I know her full name and location, so I did a little search and discovered her in Psychology Today, as a practicing therapist.
I wasn’t sure I would, but I reached out to Stacey.