I was to write something wonderful for you a few days ago about love and dating. Instead, I skipped to a full version of raging, left my computer alone, took a cocktail of drugs and now I feel calm enough to re-engage.
Rage. A reality rage. Rage. I was so sick to my stomach over it all. I couldn’t eat for two days. My body rejected everything I put into it. Why all the drama, body. You don’t have the energy for drama. I know this, you know this. Please keep digesting food normally.
But, I know exactly why my body did what it did, and look, I feel a lot better today. I ate. It stuck. My stomach hurts but the sky is also blue.
Orlando and I played my favorite game last night for eight hours and between that and the drugs it reset my brain. I invented this game during lockdown.
The game is called COUCHELLA.