I’m not suggesting you follow as I do. I have been asked to share and I will because if this helps someone write a script, yay!
Here we go:
When a viable idea comes to mind (full story arc points, a good logline) it’s not enough material to start outlining. Pre-outlining is all important daydreaming and weaving and note taking.
Start with the story idea that’s been in your head the longest. If you don’t love it anymore, re-tool the story so it does interest you again and keep the structure. You’ve already invested the hours into it. Use it somehow. Trust me.
I take notes throughout my day of situations, thoughts, jokes that give me a feeling.
I find a pen and paper to be too weird in public. It was fine in 1996. Today, you’re just asking for someone to interrupt you, talk about how you are using a pen and paper and then you’ll have more material but it’s such a stereotype you won’t want to use it.
I use the notes app on my phone, I write anything that comes to mind that I can’t use in that moment.
Here are examples of notes and how I outline a script: