Ora answers her phone, “Hey, I was just thinking I might disappear and start a new life and not tell anyone.”
I am thankful I’ve come to her with a lighthearted topic, “Ora, you got some Full Moon vibes. Look, I will match your no-segue with no-segue, public sex. Let’s talk about public sex.”
She quickly switches from morose to energized. "Like, what about it? The secret spots? You can’t tell anyone, though; they can’t blow up.” Ora doesn’t want me to reveal her local Los Angeles public sex spots. I understand; she needs to use them.
”I just want to know what the inclination is.” I ask, stupidly.
I really don’t understand public sex. I’ve only done it once and didn’t care for it enough to do it again. In 1999, I had sex at night in a public park. We were caught and had stones and garbage thrown at us from a pickup truck. Likely the reason I’m not inclined to try again. I continue, “I don’t like public sex because I am too in my head about getting caught to have an orgasm. How do you get over that?”