Sorry this newsletter is long; it’s a full moon, and I hate hypocrites. You know? When someone builds a life on lies?
Women are done. Over the past five years, women have reverted to being witchy. We’re manifesting in moon cycles, having our charts, coins, and cards read, taking frog poison, and organizing communes.
Why? Because this man’s world is not it.
The gaslighting and lies we’ve been fed have filled us up, and we are bursting.
“Women and men are equal.”
“I’m not talking to her.”
"Nothing is happening."
We call out lies, and we are called crazy, sour grapes, a woman scorned.
It’s kind of hard to call men out on lies when they are your only day-to-day predator. Calling a man out on any level of a lie is scary. Men are made of sex and war, and they never lose their wars. They will lie to cover a lie. They will revise years of history to make their own version. Men would rather burn it all down than lose a war.
It feels like our only source of power as women is in our numbers together. This is why we often expose the people who lie and gaslight us publicly instead of one-on-one. This is why we are all talking about communes and taking DMT.
And with that, here is an example of a man publicly erasing my existence from his history.