Yesterday, Shane (ADD, from Idaho, has ZERO internet presence) was outside the dining hall shaking a tree.
”What are you doing?” I asked.
”There’s an owl in the falcon’s next for fuck’s sake.” He said, kicking the tree, his sunglasses on the back of his head and a feather in his baseball cap.
The owl flew out of the nest on the third kick, immediately she was ambushed by the two falcons.
Nat Geo.
Shane then saw a droopy Casio on my wrist and showed me a tight Casio on his wrist.
”Want to trade?”
”You coming to the Superbowl party?”
I’m going to cherish this watch forever.
I need my spirits lifted and sadly my Mars is in Leo, and feeling invested in my performance will really help me out today. of you, please be the specials who pay to subscribe today. Love you so much. I’ll know who you are. xoxo
If I could upgrade any other way than a card, you would have my money today.
It took two hawks to take down one owl. I feel there are so many metaphors in that.
I hope you got to scream at the tracks. Screaming can oddly be comforting in releasing the frustration. Pema Chadron always says the path to peace is in feeling the anger first.
Taking this time for yourself now, and sacrificing in putting your needs first will be so worth it in the near future. 🔮⚡
Sometimes the small gestures I find to be more valuable than the actual material items. Though I am sure that Casio is 👌. I love Shane for his zero internet presence.
You are also not alone in feeling okay and wonderful one moment and like it is all a disaster the next. Healing is not linear though the rollercoaster of emotions is a bit much. I agree.
If that doesn't make you feel better, I'm sorry. I tried and the road to hell is paved with good intentions right?
The owl was doing her best and I'm very sad for her. She didn't deserve to be attacked. She deserved to rest. Sometimes an owl needs to rest. Sending good thoughts your way, you beautiful owl. ❤️