
Someone on Instagram corrected me and said this is a demonstration of IMPULSIVE thinking.. and nothing like the INTRUSIVE thinking I get when I see a set of knives or a dog near the road.



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I have intrusive thoughts that tell me to shave my head. My hair has gotten super thin and falls out like crazy because of...hormones? Age? Faulty genetics? Systemic disease yet to be diagnosed??? And so at least twice a year I spend too much time after I wash my hair arguing with the voice in my head about shaving it. I was never punk, so I would look like I was fully having a break with reality if I shaved it. I’m not wearing my glasses, but this at least does not look like a break with reality so well done you!

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Can you cut my hair next?

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Long shags are hawt.

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I was imagining Billy ray Cyrus but this is hot

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Excellent column! Also, it's been proofed. Well done, you.

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Butterfly cut! 🦋 It looks stunning!

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It's not a mullet! It's just wingy bangs! And it looks really good.

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You could make money cutting your hair for people into that

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